Singh Detective Agency in Amritsar

Singh Detective Agency is a private detective agency in Amritsar (Punjab) with an experience of more than 10 years. We have solved more than 1000 cases in all over Amritsar with the help of well experienced and trained investigators who are always ready to solve any type of detective case. Singh Detective Agency in Amritsar has a wide network and also a very good name among our clients. We always try to give accurate and true results to our clients with our endless efforts. We give 24×7 services to our clients as per the requirement of case because our main motive is to satisfy our clients by providing them true accurate services. If we are appointed for any type of investigation, we make our every effort to do our level best within time limit and lowest price as we never aim to get money but to provide true services.

We have always tried our level best to satisfy our clients with our work and always given them exact results they have demanded from us. We always have maintained 100% secrecy of our clients. Singh Detectives agency has an excellent track record of successfully investigating & solving 1000 plus cases including fake identity, divorce cases, character verification, missing person investigation, matrimonial investigation, (pre/post), employee verification (pre/post), extra marital affairs, loyalty test investigation, any theft or loss etc. in Amritsar, Punjab, India. We also provide detective services in all over Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pardesh, Chandigarh, Shimla and other major cities of India.

We provide following services:-

Singh Detective Agency in Amritsar is too much professional and conscious about the quality of its work that the results provided by us are always accurate and true. We are able to uncover the hidden truth.